35th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.
Deakin University, Waterfront Campus, Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
ASCILITE 2018 Call for Participation
The ASCILITE 2018 Conference is the 35th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education. Hosted by Deakin University, and located at the historic Waterfront Campus in Geelong, this internationally renowned conference offers an opportunity to connect and form collaborations with researchers, academics, practitioners and the educational technology industry.
The ASCILITE 2018 conference program contains a mix of conference, social events and demonstrations of leading education innovations. Enjoy a digitally enabled conference experience in technologically enhanced classrooms, as well as traditional discussions and face-to-face events to initiate the collaboration of tomorrow.
Call for Participation is now open – Submit today
Details below relate to submission guidelines, a copy is also available for here via PDF Call for Participation
1. Conference Theme: Open Oceans: Learning without borders
The theme for ASCILITE 2018, Open oceans: Learning without borders. Picture sitting on a beach and looking at the ocean, stretching before you towards the horizon, and dreaming about the possibilities, reflecting on the past, or being mindfully present in the moment. The sea is vast. This vision captures the infinite possibilities when considering innovation, practice and research in the use of educational technologies in tertiary education.
2. Conference Streams
We invite conceptual, applied and theoretical research contributions on the following eight conference streams:
1. New ways of moving: Pedagogies and practices
2. Sink or swim: Improving digital literacy
3. Deep Diving: Approaches that Foster Deep Learning
4. The waters in which we swim: Redesigning Learning Spaces
5. Exploring foreign shores: Advancing Cultures of Innovation
6. Checking the gauges: Measuring Learning and Advancing Impact
7. New treasures: Alternative and out-of-the-box thinking
8. Avoiding the rocks: Lessons learnt from failures
3. Submissions for ASCILITE 2018
Formatting: For the main text of your submission, please use:
- Times New Roman 10 point font, black
- Single line spacing
- APA 6th style for referecing
For full formatting requirements, please see:
File Types: Submissions can be made in Microsoft Word, RT or OpenOffice Document file format, but must preserve the table at the top of the submission template.
Registration: Submitters agree that if their work if accepted, at least one author will register during the Early Bird registration period and present the accepted work at ASCILITE 2018.
4. Submission Options
4.1 Double blind peer reviewed
- Full Papers (Maximum 10 pages): Feature significant theoretical reviews, research studies in the areas of emergent or innovative educational practice, case studies, evaluations, or projects. Full paper submissions are a maximum of 10 pages, including references.
Find a template for Full Paper submission here.
- Concise Papers (Maximum 5 pages): Provide a forum for discussion of key directions in research, informed practice, works in progress, reports on specialised topics, pilot studies, or brief reports on innovative practice in technology supported teaching and learning. Concise Paper submissions are a maximum of 5 pages, including references.
Find a template for Concise Paper submission here.
4.2 Peer Review only (not blind)
- Posters (Maximum 2 page submission): Offer visual representations of projects and development initiatives that provide opportunities for conference delegates to discuss the topic with presenters. Poster submissions are a maximum of 2 pages, including references.
Academic and research posters generally have standard poster sizes of: A0 (841x1189mm), A1 (594x841mm) and A2 (420x594mm). 2 x A1 = A0 and 4 x A2 = A0. The board size should fit one A0 presentation. Therefore you can elect 1 x A0 presentation maximum made of 1 A0 page, 2 A1 , 4 A2 pages or 8 A4 pages. You can arrange these combinations to suit yourself, however you should remember that most participants will be looking at your poster from at least one metre away.
Find a template for Poster submission here.
- Panels/Symposia/Debates (Maximum 2 page submission): Provide an interactive platform to challenge or defend a position, theory, model or concept; identify areas of dispute; offer alternative interpretations of well-known studies and findings. It brings experts together to explore a topic while involving the audience. Submissions for Panels, Symposia or Debates are a maximum of 2 pages, including references.
Find a template for Panels/Symposia submission here.
- Pre-conference Workshops (Maximum 2 page submission): Contribute towards professional development in educational technology related topics. In many cases workshops are derived from staff development activities conducted previously at the presenters’ own institutions. Workshops enable participants to engage with colleagues and experts in specific fields, to acquire knowledge, enhance skills and develop broader perspective. Workshops will take place on Sunday 25 November 2018 prior to the official commencement of ASCILITE 2018 conference. Workshop submissions are a maximum of 2 pages, including references.
Find a template for Pre-Conference Workshop submission here.
5. Submission Procedure
All submissions must be made via EasyChair. The deadline for all submissions is midnight on Friday July 27 2018 (AEST).
Full and concise papers are blind peer reviewed following rigorous academic standards.
For more information about submissions or using the submission system, please email the conference committee at ascilite2018@events.deakin.edu.au